
  • Zombie apocalypse theme

    Zombie apocalypse stories are inescapable; they’re contagious, spreading rapidly from their origins in early 20th-century literature and film to completely invade modern popular culture. If you’re a zombie fan, it’s a fine game for you.

  • Playable through the browser

    The game is fully playable through the browser and does not depend on additional software or a client. This makes it possible to virtually play from anywhere, be it the workplace, school or cafe.

  • HTML5 Canvas game

    The <canvas> element was used to implement this game. This element is perfect for making games in HTML, because it offers all the functionality you need for making games. JavaScript helps to draw, write, insert images, and more, onto the <canvas>.So everything is created right on the web page in real time.

  • Simple control

    Press space button on your keyboard to make player jump from one block to another.

  • Free-to-play

    You don't need to pay, play for free.


Some info about the game and me

Hello, my name is Maria and I am a frontend developer.

I didn't always write code. In fact, I never thought I would ever write a single line of it when I first started learning web technologies. As soon as I began to study, I got a lot of new information, unknown and unaccustomed for me, but also fascinating and enthralling. Over time, I found myself not only asking questions, but trying to answer them for myself because it became a necessity. In the end, that led to learning HTML, which led to CSS, which led to jQuery and JavaScript.

Now I'm a student of Rolling Scopes School and I really appreciate the fact, that every lecturer tries to do his or her best and to give students as much information as he or she can. Incredible atmosphere inspires to deepen knowledge and helps to make new friends.

As one of the Rolling Scopes School's tasks I'd like to introduce "Zombie Run". "Zombie Run" is the game, where you should help Irma (she is the main and the only character) to stay alive. Unfortunately, after Apocalypse, everything around Irma is ruined: damaged houses, debris and even bones and skulls she will meet on her way. Some flowers and grass make the picture more encouraging, but you still should be careful and escape water and fire.

I hope you will enjoy this game. Good luck!


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